Waking up from the dream to live the Coming True


It is good to dream, to design a future and to define a goal to work towards. It is also good to set standards for yourself. However, sometimes life happens and things don't go as imagined. The significant other doesn't appear on time and he doesn't appear to be the night in shining amour. The work has its highs but lows are also there. The children demand more of us than we can handle. We depend more on others and disappointments pile up or a feeling of insignificance burrows into our hearts. What does a lady do when things don't align?

My dear lady, your mind and your heart must go on a date; what the heart wants let the mind weigh and decide. Don't just dream, make plans. Conquer yourself then, at the turning point, you may sway things to your favor. Do not cling to the past and do not whirlwind into the future. Pursue a stable yet lively lifestyle. Take control of your life. 


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