Define, Live By and Inspire the Qualities of A Beautiful You.

There is always room for improvement. As women, we are vessels of beauty, not just to impress, but TO BE. Who YOU ARE is central to your beauty. How much more can you improve your beauty and BE better? Here are 7 Goals that can get you started.
7. Be Happy
Don't aim to change your looks, or your wardrobe. You will change them if it makes you happy. So aim to be happy and the rest will be in check.
6. Be Comfortable
Beauty without comfort is not complete. Let your appearance express the balance in you.
5. Be Able
Beauty is grace in action. Ability give you the power to be graceful
4. Manage
Beauty is about managing detail. It is about keeping thing in check
3. Be Someone
You are unique. Beauty is about respecting quality. Know, protect and live by your values.
2. Be Free
Give yourself room for self expression
1. Be Inspiring
Not everyone will appreciate you but carry the air of beauty around you.
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